
Meat, Recipes

Breaded chicken

Ingredients Chicken Corn flakes crumbs breader Egg Oil Steps to follow First we place the chicken in a pot with water, add salt to taste and let it soften for a few minutes 2. When you see that the chicken is soft, remove and place a little oil in a Teflon pan to heat. 4. […]

Recipes, Salads

Use Chickpeatos as a Spicy Mix

They’re more than just a snack. Our Organic Chickpeatos are seasoned with ingredients you can recognize: rosemary, basil, oregano, cayenne pepper, chili powder. And after you’re done enjoying them, you might notice some spices cling to the bag. Don’t throw them away! Our five ounce Chickpeatos pack can yield about a tablespoon of spices — exactly what you need to […]